
Ironing Board Put to Good Use

I don't know about you, but I do not like your average, ordinary, have-to-use-it, ironing board.  Probably because I'm the wash 'n wear type.  I like to dress in clothes that look lived in.  Ironed outfits are reserved for weddings and funerals and such.

But, give me an ironing board with character and I go nuts!

Yep.  Got her at Streck Sales : )

Do you see all those notches in the legs for adjusting the height?  I just love the clever design.  She was only missing one piece....  the most important one, of course, but not to worry, we junkers are pretty good at improvising.

She came with lots of character too.  It took me a loooooooong time to remove all those nails, but I didn't mind.  After all, I fell in love with her at first sight!

I know I probably should've waited for the weather to warm up so I could work on her in the garage, but I just couldn't wait.  I laid her out on the floor in the kitchen, much to the chagrin of the guys.

Oh well.  They got over it as soon as the fumes cleared.

And now she has a new purpose in her life.  Not exactly practical, but trust me, I will never use her for ironing!

While I was waiting for the stain to dry, I whipped out the sewing machine and made a little welcome banner to outfit her with.  Gives her that "I belong here" look, don't you think?
Can you tell what I used for that missing piece? 

It's a drumstick!  

The boys got a little excited about that until I reminded them that they broke the other one.

I worked on a couple other things while I had the stain out... more about that later, but I am still working on my candles, trying to perfect them.  I got tired of jars, so I decorated a couple of cans and called it "good".  

Now I just hope the candles burn and throw scent like they're supposed to!

And, since my little ironing board is so very Donna, I think I'll link her up over at Funky Junk's Saturday Night Special!


  1. Love the redo...I have an ironing board like that, lol, I can say that almost every time someone post something, but I promise I am NOT a hoarder,tee hee. I love the welcome banner, you are so talented...good thinking on the drumstick. I'm hungry, so at first I was thinking chicken drumstick...and that just didn't make no kind of sense, glad to see you are still puttin' your kitchen to good use! Lezlee

  2. Hey coleen--
    love the old ironing board. It looks great all prettied up! I for one love the drum stick- those things are so versatile! (we've got drummers in the family here,too)

    Glad to hear your still plugging along with the candles. Are you selling boo-coos of 'em?

    Off topic- do you have another picture of the that picture frame to the left of the ironing board? (a full picture) I've got something similar (I THINK) and am trying to think of something to do with it.
    a link, and email, or nothing. I'm just curious.

    have a great rest of the week!

  3. Your ironing board re-do turned out wonderfully!

  4. A beautiful transformation and I can see why you fell in love with her at first sight!!! Looks perfect with the towels hanging! Love HER :)

  5. I love the redo on the ironing board. I giggled outloud when I read "they got over it as soon as the fumes cleared". The way you displayed it is perfect. Now no one will get the silly idea that it's to be used for ironing clothes.

    You have just got to put some of your candles for sale on your blog. I'm sure you'd find out quick how well they'll sell. Your presentation of them is amazing. I love the two in the cans in today's picture. When you get all famous and sell your millionth candle I'm gonna be telling people that I knew you before you even sold candles. :)

  6. Coleen, you outdid yourself with that... LOVE,LOVE,LOVE it... I really love the banner you made too... yes you are right it makes it look like it belongs right there. I have my ex MIL's mother's ironing board sitting in my laundry room... but not for long. Thanks for posting this.

    Your little cans are adorable too.

    Have a great day...

    Hugs, Deb

  7. Coleen,
    I thought of you last night as I was watching "Hoarders: Buried Alive", lol. I can just picture you some day retired in your sweats and rumaging through all that junk! lol, just kidding, you're not that bad. Love your ideas and candles, great job :)

  8. Great idea! I have a children's sized one that I'm not using - I could use it for towels and such in my new bathroom!

  9. Wow, this is creativity! I love what you did with this wonderful old ironing board. Congratulations.

  10. Very cool... wow... love it! I'm like you... wash n wear!! :) Love the banner you made for her!! Now are the cans for your candles? They are very cute!!

  11. HI Coleen, Granny told me to stop by and take a look at your Ironing Board and she was so right.. how cute is that! Old wooden boards are hard to find.. I really like how you use it to display..
    And your candles are going to be so nice.. good luck with that!

  12. Good Morning Coleen!
    Just stopped over from Granny's blog...absolutely love your idea for the ironing board! I am doing something similar with an old ladder that my husband found at our transfer station (aka town dump!). I'm turning it into a quilt rack to hang quilts in our living room. I just love your ideas and your blog...I will be back!

    Have a blessed day,

  13. I love your ironing board. Great idea. It makes me want to go out and find an ironing board.

  14. Love how that turned out, yes the addition is very cute as well.

  15. I just love wooden ironing boards. What a great use for this one. I LOVE it!
    Your candles look great. When are you going to start selling them?

  16. I love the idea...I have three old wooden ironing boards...One is painted like santa, another one is sitting in the corner of my bathroom and the other one is waiting to become something.

    I'm from C.B.Ia

    My cousin Peggy lives in Denison (you might know her if you get your taxes done...8)...)


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