
Dinking With Digital Design

I just ordered another software program to dink around with.  I'm tired of the 100,000+ graphics I already have.  Seems I always use the same ones over and over and I'm truly bored out of my gourd with them.  Of course it will take a few days for the new program to arrive, so I played around with what I have.  And what do you know... I figured out how to tweak some of those same old - same old graphics!

For a change, I'm ahead of the season.  I have Valentine's Day on my mind already.

I like the looks of the old fashioned, Victorian, Retro - or whatever you want to call it designs.

There's just something about the old-fashionedness that I adore.  I also finally figured out how to format them so they can be used in a variety of ways... pictures, stationery, greeting cards, collages, etc. and so on.  That was quite exciting in and of itself!

Are you kind of getting the idea of what the rest of my house looks like since I've been playing around with this fun stuff all day?

While I love the old stuff, the new attracts me as well, especially when I can incorporate my little cutie-patooties in the design.  This one worked really well because the picture had a white background.  I'll have to scratch my head a little and figure out how to get the other 7 grandkids worked into something cool :)

I think I feel some Valentine Blocks in my future.


  1. One of these days I'm going to have to make a trip down so you can teach me how to do all this cool stuff! I envy you your creative abilities and all the cool stuff you can do on the computer! I need a class with Coleen!!

  2. I envy your talents Coleen... I have never mastered the art of creating in a graphics program... hmmm, maybe that is something I should add to my To Do List... next year.

    Happy New Year....

    Hugs, Deb

  3. Oh how I love! I need to get busy myself and start some of these cool things. Still waiting for you to win the lottery so I can be your assistant! lol

  4. Those are all neat. Love that little 'to do' list...I bet all your Valentines are gonna love their surprises!


  5. Very nice Mom cant wait to see what you come up with!!!


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