
Wicked Winter

Oh my.  They say we have exceeded the total snowfall record for Iowa.  It is only the 7th day of January, only the 17th day of winter and there are 71 days left until the first day of spring.  Wow.  I don't know how much more snow we can handle. Everything is white.  Blinding white.  I stood our Christmas tree in a drift on our deck, just to add a little color to the scenery.

I stepped outside the front of the house today to try to take pictures of the blizzard .  Here's what I got

It's not a very good picture, but that is pretty much what it looked like, neither pretty nor good.  The drastic changes of the seasons never cease to amaze me. 

On a clear day up here on the hill we can see forever.  Today we couldn't see our neighbor's house about a half mile away, or any traffic on the highway. Nothing.  It was like our property line was the world's boundary.

Outside the wind was howling and blowing and carrying on like, well like little boys cooped up inside the house all day.

  There were serious debates

A couple of gun fights


A Power Rangers movie marathon

And all sorts of juvenile behavior

Tomorrow may bring more of the same.  Inside the house that is.  The winds are finally supposed to calm down and then the digging out can begin AGAIN.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! Looks like your weather isn't any better than ours. Brad had to go to work yesterday in spite of the ground blizzard we had going on. Don't know how much more of this we can take!


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